Outreach and Engagement Award
Call for Submissions: The Philosophy of Science Association is pleased to invite submissions for the PSA Outreach and Engagement Award. The Outreach and Engagement Award is a new, biennial award of the Philosophy of Science Association, which recognizes a scholar or team of scholars who have led outstanding efforts to engage the general public in philosophy of science topics. The scope of outreach and engagement that may be recognized by this award is wide, but its purpose is to highlight, promote, and elevate professional efforts to engage the general public about philosophy of science. 
Outreach and Engagement Efforts May Include: (1) public-facing philosophy of science communication such as op-eds, videos/films, public-facing events, and public-facing writing; (2) K-12 formal educational efforts such as engaging with K-12 students and/or K-12 educators; (3) informal science education, such as philosophy of science encounters in museums, zoos, libraries, and prisons; (4) scientific work with communities with a strong philosophy of science component, such as research with public participation, citizen science, and community- based research; (5) science policy, such as working with policy makers and/or work to develop science policy informed by philosophy of science. 
Award Details: Recipients will receive a $500 cash prize and will be given the opportunity to have their work showcased by the PSA. The award will be announced at the biennial meeting.
Eligibility: Awardees may be individuals or groups and must be members of the PSA. Nominators and nominees must be members of the PSA. (If you or your group are not members, click here to join the PSA.) Self-nominations are allowed. 
Submission Details: Nominees will be evaluated on the basis of a nomination packet of no more than five pages of written text plus samples, in some form, of the outreach work.
Deadline: September 30, 2021 (23:59 EST)
Submission Packet Requirements: 
(1) A detailed project description which explains the (a) project’s aims, (b) the target audience, (c) the methods employed, and (d) the role of philosophy of science in the project. (2) Evidence of impact, evaluated in a way most appropriate to the project. This might include quantitative evidence, survey data, a summary of qualitative interviews, or letters of support. (3) Examples of the project or product itself.
For questions, please contact Michael Weisberg, Chair of the Outreach and Engagement Committee, weisberg@phil.upenn.edu

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