Events & Calls for Paper

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August 2022
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Events in the month of August 2022

Monday, August 1, 2022

Keynote speakers TBD
The Committee for Integrated History and Philosophy of Science, together with the Ann Johnson Institute for Science, Technology, and Society, invites the submission of individual paper and poster abstracts for “&HPS9”, the 9th conference in the series Integrated History and Philosophy of Science. We seek contributions that genuinely integrate the historical and philosophical analysis of science (i.e., the physical sciences, life sciences, cognitive sciences, and social sciences), or discuss methodological issues surrounding the prospects and challenges of integrating history and philosophy of science.
For information about Integrated History and Philosophy of Science and previous conferences, see
Please note that &HPS9 does not run parallel sessions. Hence, given the number of slots available, we regret that we cannot accept symposium submissions.
&HPS9 will feature a Poster Forum as a place to share work that fits in a poster format. Poster presenters will be invited to give a short (5-minute) flash talk on their topic. Authors may submit a poster and a paper abstract, but only one may appear on the final program.
We have an ongoing commitment to fostering diversity and equality in our programs. Submissions from members of underrepresented groups are particularly welcome!


Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Call for philosophy of climate science abstracts 
for Fall 2022 AGU (American Geophysical Union) meeting, Chicago and Online, 12-16 December, 2022
Abstract Deadline: August 3, 2022
·       GC022 Confirming, Evaluating, and Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Paleo, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models

·       Conveners: Elisabeth Lloyd
o   Indiana University Bloomington
·       Ryan James O'Loughlin
o   CUNY, Queens
·       Donald D Lucas
o   LLNL
·       Justin Donhauser
o   Bowling Green State University
Session Title: “Confirming, Evaluating, and Quantifying Uncertainty in Climate, Earth System, Paleo, Integrated Assessment, and Impact Models”, organized by Elisabeth A. Lloyd, two other philosophers, Ryan O’Loughlin (CUNY Queens), Justin Donhauser (Bowling Green State University, Ohio), and climate scientist Don Lucas, for the 12 year running. We are looking for philosophers of science to submit abstracts to this session on all sorts of climate models and their interpretation, evaluation, confirmation, and uncertainty. Contributions may address models and observations at multiple spatial and temporal scales and their interpretation and uncertainties. Papers may be submitted as posters, or for consideration for an oral session, or both. Abstract title should be <300 characters, abstract text limited to 2000 characters, excluding spaces but including punctuation. DUE DATE: August 3, Midnight EDT. View Session Details: 
 above site for the above abstract submission guideline site. Please contact Lisa (Elisabeth) Lloyd at for further information, or go to the Fall meeting site:
Wednesday, August 17, 2022 - Sunday, August 21, 2022
I am thrilled to announce a call for abstracts for the QEQBM Early Career Summer Seminar Retreat! If you are an early-career scholar working in the philosophy of quantum physics, formal epistemology, or closely related areas, please see below for a description of the event and instructions on how to apply.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022 - Tuesday, September 20, 2022

We are delighted to announce the Third Chilean Conference on the Philosophy of Physics. The conference will be hosted by the Philosophy Institute at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. It will be held in Santiago, between December 14 and 16.