Events & Calls for Paper

Event Type:

March 2022
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Events available for Registration...

Events in the month of March 2022

Friday, March 4, 2022
We are now accepting submissions for the 21st annual Philosophy of Logic, Math and Physics (LMP) Graduate Student Conference in philosophy hosted by Western University in London, Ontario, Canada. The LMP Graduate Student Conference will bring together philosophers of logic, mathematics, and physics for two days of presentations and discussions with some of the leaders in these fields. We are pleased to announce our keynote speaker this year is Craig Callender from the University of California, San Diego.

Call for Papers:
Graduate students who have not yet defended their PhD thesis are invited to submit papers on any topic in philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of physics. Papers in philosophy of physics will be considered for the Annual Clifton Memorial book prize. The contest will be adjudicated by philosophy of physics faculty members at Western.
Extended Deadline:
Papers should be submitted via EasyChair by Friday, March 4th, 2022 at
Monday, March 7, 2022
Philosophers and physicists collaboratively address foundational problems in semi-classical gravity and black hole thermodynamics, from information-loss to causal structure and causality to epistemology.
Sunday, March 13, 2022 - Sunday, March 20, 2022

Call for Applications: Spring School "The History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Large Physics Experiments", Wuppertal (13-20 March 2022).

The Research Unit "The Epistemology of the LHC" invites applications for the Spring School "The History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Large Physics Experiments" taking place 13-20 March 2022 in Wuppertal (Germany).

Large experiments such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), and the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) play an essential role at the frontiers of contemporary fundamental physics. These experiments employ big research facilities, they probe nature at vast energy and length scales, they produce immense amounts of data, and they involve great numbers of researchers. During this Spring School we will explore large physics experiments from historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives. We will discuss questions such as those arising from the history and philosophy of fundamental physics, the methodological challenges of big data, and the history and sociology of large research collaborations.


Confirmed speakers (more to be added):

Arianna Borrelli, TU Berlin (Philosophy/History)

Laura Covi, Universität Göttingen (Physics)

Katharina C. Cramer, Universität Bonn (Political Science/History)

Richard Dawid, Stockholm University (Philosophy)

Gregor Kasieczka, Universität Hamburg (Physics)

Dennis Lehmkuhl, Universität Bonn (Philosophy/History)

Martina Merz, AAU Klagenfurt (Science Studies)

David Wallace, University of Pittsburgh (Philosophy)

Christian Zeitnitz, BU Wuppertal (Physics)

Monday, March 21, 2022
The DFG-funded research unit "Epistemology of the LHC" is organising a two-day conference on the history, philosophy and sociology of cosmology and astroparticle physics. This event follows up on the 2019 conference in Aachen on dark matter & modified gravity, a special journal issue on the same topic, and the 2021 online workshop on the philosophy of dark matter. The conference will take place on the 29th and 30th of June 2022 in Bonn, Germany. Philosophers, physicists, historians, sociologists and other interested scholars are invited to attend. 
Over the past few decades, cosmology, astronomy and particle physics have developed in different directions and at the same time become intertwined in an increasingly complex way, i.e., in terms of communities, theories, models, experiments, constraints, conferences and journals. Prime examples at the intersection of two or all three of these fields are the search for dark matter, cosmic rays, and neutrino physics. In recent years, various humanities—in particular the trio of history, philosophy & sociology (HPS)—have paid increasing attention to cosmology, astronomy and particle physics (CAP). It is the aim of this HPS-CAP conference to explore the history, philosophy and sociology of the intersection of CAP, as well as the interactions between history, philosophy & sociology of CAP. Research topics include but are not limited to the following:
  • The history of the formation of and interaction between the scientific disciplines
  • Cosmology, astronomy, particle physics & the scientific realism debate
  • Communities across CAP
  • Epistemology of experiments, simulation and observation
  • The interplay between constraints from cosmology, astronomy and particle physics
  • Cosmology and astronomy as historical sciences
  • Guiding principles within CAP (cosmological principle, anthropic principle, unification, …)
  • Dark matter, neutrinos and cosmic rays
  • Searches for “theories of everything”
  • Physics of scales (renormalization group methods, multi-scale modeling, inter-theory relationships, emergence and reduction)
  • The relationship between the humanities and CAP
We invite contributing speakers from physics and from philosophy, history and sociology of physics, as well as anyone else who may be interested, to submit an abstract of 250-500 words by the 21st of March 2022 as a pdf to nmartens[at] We intend to have selected contributing speakers by end of April.

See website for further information:
Thursday, March 31, 2022 - Saturday, April 2, 2022
A conference looking at the role of non-epistemic values in science through a political lens.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
I am thrilled to announce a call for abstracts for the QEQBM Early Career Summer Seminar Retreat! If you are an early-career scholar working in the philosophy of quantum physics, formal epistemology, or closely related areas, please see below for a description of the event and instructions on how to apply.