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Abstract: This applied paper reflects on the challenges in measuring the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on the volume and profile of domestic violence. The presentation has two parts. First, I present preliminary findings from analyses of large-scale police data from seven English police forces that disentangle longer-term trends from the effect of the imposing and lifting of lockdown restrictions. Second, I reflect on the methodological challenges involved in accessing, analysing and drawing inferences from police administrative data.
Katrin Hohl (Department of Sociology, City University London). Dr Katrin Hohl joined City University London in 2012 after completing her PhD at the LSE. Her research has two strands. The first revolves around various aspects of criminal justice responses to violence against women, in particular: the processes through which complaints of rape fail to result in a full police investigation, charge, prosecution and conviction; the challenges rape victims with mental health conditions pose to criminal justice, and the use of victim memory as evidence in rape complaints. The second strand focusses on public trust in the police, police legitimacy, compliance with the law and cooperation with the police and courts. Katrin has collaborated with the London Metropolitan Police on several research projects on the topics of public confidence in policing, police communication and neighbourhood policing. She is a member of the Centre for Law Justice and Journalism and the Centre for Crime and Justice Research.